AURORA 88K full overlay "Aquila style"

The first Aurora 88 to be produced with a total barrel overlay was upon request of Mr. L. Aquila who was the official Aurora distributor for the south of Italy. His intuition was that the 88 would be more successful in that market if it had a complete gold look. Fort his reason Aurora 88s with complete overlay are often referred to as "Aquila 88". The first addition of a compete overlay was however developed on the 88K model (different clip and details) so the correct definition should be "Aurora 88K Aquila style"
Pens like this have a standard piston filling mechanism which can be reached and activated pulling off the barrel overlay. The system is as simple as ingenious.
For the rest, these pens are standard 88Ks and do not differ form their counterparts with black barrel in any detail.
As for most Aurora 88 models, matching pencils are extremely rare.
This set of Aurora 88K "Aquila style" pen is in near mint condition and comes with its original box.
Time of production: early 1950's